Day 1: What Do You Know That Others Want to Know?

Day 1

On the first day of the rest of your life as an online business owner, the focus is on the product you will deliver to your dream customers.

This 30-day series is a roadmap for you to create an online business by following the training in the One Funnel Away (OFA) Challenge from Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels.

If you have not read the introduction, click here to go to Day 0.

Find Your Business Idea

If you want to be an online entrepreneur, but have no idea what product or service you can offer, start thinking about everything you know how to do – your interests, hobbies, education, work experience, passions or skills…

Pick one where you think you can explain ‘How-To’ to people who want to know what you know.

Do not over think. The first thing you want to do is to learn this OFA process. You can start anywhere, and eventually move on to some amazing idea no one has ever thought of.

But for now…if you make a better cheese sandwich than others, make that your business idea.

If you already have your business idea, this first day of OFA focuses on establishing the core of your offer.

What is an Offer?

An offer is the combination of products you are going to deliver to your dream customers.

This is the strategy Russell explains on Day 1. The fundamental idea is that you differentiate yourself from others in the marketplace, by making an offer that no one else can match.

To do this…

  1. Define your Dream Customer
  2. Pick one Core Result you want to help them achieve.
  3. Define the Frameworks or How-Tos that will help them achieve the result
  4. Pick the Best Framework that can be your front end offer
  5. Define a By-Product from the Framework that you can offer. That is a supplementary or additional product that furthers the value of your offer.
  6. Design another version of your Framework as a Done-With-You product where your dream customers can get more detailed or comprehensive information
  7. Design a Done-For-You version of your framework, where you, or someone you hire, obtains the result on behalf of your customer

This is the entire process so don’t be alarmed by the amount of work to do. You are going to be building this out for weeks, but first you have to think about what you can offer.

Create Your Framework

Your Framework – the step-by-step or How-To you define – that makes your business unique because it is your process.

This can be anything…how to play chess; how to plan travel; meal preparation; finding good books for children, becoming financially prepared, building model airplanes, designing fabulous gardens, picking out clothes for work, delivering jokes, coding software, renovating a house…

What is ‘The Thing’ that you know how to do…that people always ask you for or about…that you have read extensively about…that you have done in the past…that you are passionate about?

How are you always helping people or providing support?

How do you want to help people or provide support?

Could one of these ‘things’ that you are doing all the time be your business?

You don’t have to think of something elaborate…but you want to pick something so that you have an example to follow throughout the 30 days.

This is what the business is…a product or service that you provide to your dream customers.

The OFA strategy is to offer Do-It-Yourself, Done-With-You and Done-For-You versions of your framework so that different customers can achieve the same Core Result(s) through the approach that suits them best.

Work Summary

  • Answer questions 1 to 7 above – your responses will become the products you will offer
  • Additional: Every day in the challenge, there are additional videos with great information, it is recommended that you watch everything and apply the teachings to your own work

Your Results Today

A Core Results Framework that can be marketed to dream customers as a solution they can use.

Results to Date:

  • An active lead magnet on a one page funnel that collects emails from interested people
  • A plan for a Framework that you can offer your dream customers. You need to decide on a Core Result Framework, Best Framework from the Core, By-Product, Done-With-You version and Done-For-You version

Costs to Date:

ExpensesActualRangeYour Total
5 Day Lead Challenge$0$0
One Funnel Away Challenge$100$100

To Go to the Next Day: Click Here

To Go to the OFA Day-by-Day Schedule: Click Here

A Reminder…

This series is to help you Create Your Online Business by using the training in the One Funnel Away ChallengeOFA is a comprehensive program that teaches you how to get your product or service in to your dream customers’ hands.

Even if your product or service is just an idea!

You learn how to separate yourself from everyone by creating ‘offers’ inside ‘sales funnels.’

The training is a ton of information so I will be your guide. In this e-mail series, I will summarize the daily teachings in the program, remind you of the activities you should have completed, clarify points, and keep a running list of expenses.

The idea is to explain exactly what it takes to get your online business up and running.

Russell has already created the OFA map, I am going to explain day-by-day what you should be doing to make sure you meet your goals.

To sign-up for the next OFA click here

Disclosure: Links to the One Funnel Away Challenge are affiliate links, I earn for eligible purchases at no additional cost to you.

To Go to the Next Day: Click Here

To Go to the OFA Day-by-Day Schedule: Click Here